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Felipe Hernandez Contract Terminated

It was the second offense violating league rules



Felipe Hernandez | Credit: Thad Bell

“Major League Soccer has terminated the contract of Sporting Kansas City midfielder Felipe Hernández following a probe into allegations that he violated the league’s gambling policies for the second time.  Hernández, who was suspended in 2021 for violating the league’s gambling policy, will be eligible for reinstatement on January 1, 2026 on application to the Commissioner’s office.  The League’s investigation found no evidence that inside information was shared or that the integrity of any MLS match was compromised.”


Felipe Hernandez scored twice in the US Open Cup match versus Tulsa in May. | Credit: Thad Bell



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Eric Vidoni

This is such a bummer. I really enjoyed watching him on the 2s for several years. He was frequently the best player on the field at that level. He never quite made the jump but maybe his addiction was holding him back. Hard to mentally commit when your brain wants to be elsewhere,
whether drugs or gambling or something else.

I hope he can get out of the sports scene and find some stability for himself.

Nate A

Very sad to see him throw away a promising career. Best wishes that he lands on his feet in another league after finding help for his addiction.

Stepping on my soapbox, which may be an unpopular take on a sports site. Hopefully the voters in Missouri vote down online betting in November.


i wonder if he is eligible to play elsewhere or if this is really fifa-wide


Obviously, there was gambling before there were gambling apps, but all the leagues really need to have a heart to heart with themselves about taking all that sweet, sweet sponsorship money from all the sites.


It’s not THAT he gambled, it’s what he gambled ON that’s the problem. The league isn’t a hypocrite for saying “don’t bet on our games.” They have a sponsorship with Captain Morgan as well; would you expect them to have to look the other way if a player got drunk of captain and coke while sitting on the bench because of the sponsorship? Or what about their sponsorship with Proctor & Gamble. Would the league be hypocrites for suspending a guy for spraying an opponent in the eyes with Febreze because of that sponsorship?

It’s not that he used a product from one of their sponsors, it’s that he used it in the specific way they say not to. And hell, even if MLS says “y’all can’t use sports betting sites AT ALL” its not hypocritical for them to take money from those same sites. It would be hypocritical if the suits said “we can use the sports betting sites but players can’t.” Letting fans bet on games and getting a cut of the profit is way different than letting players bet on games.


I’ve never liked that comparison. It’s not that he gambled, it’s what he gambled on. MLS has a sponsorship deal with Captain Morgan as well, so would it be hypocritical for them to suspend a player who got drunk on captain and cokes on the sideline because of that? They told players “don’t bet on MLS games” and Felipe couldn’t help himself therefore, termination. That’s worthy of a heart to heart with themselves, to me.

I don’t really see anything wrong with a company partnering with another company and then telling their employees not to use that platform in a way that could harm their original product.

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